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Organics Matter


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R 40.00
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R 40.00
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Biochar stands as an environmentally conscious soil amendment meticulously crafted through the carbonization process of organic materials. This organic marvel is engineered with the explicit purpose of elevating and fortifying soil health and fertility, serving as a valuable asset in both agricultural practices and gardening endeavors. The intricate production method involves subjecting organic materials to a controlled process of pyrolysis, resulting in a stable, carbon-rich substance that holds great promise for sustainable and resilient soil management.

The introduction of biochar into the soil matrix enhances its capacity to retain water and nutrients, fostering a more sustainable and efficient use of resources. Its porous structure acts as a reservoir, aiding in the prevention of nutrient leaching and promoting water conservation, thereby contributing to the creation of a robust and resilient soil ecosystem.

This organic soil amendment also plays a pivotal role in enhancing microbial activity and promoting a healthy microbial community in the soil. The porous nature of biochar provides a conducive habitat for beneficial microorganisms, fostering a balanced and thriving soil ecology. As a result, the integration of biochar becomes a holistic approach to soil improvement, aligning with sustainable practices and contributing to the overall vitality of agricultural and gardening landscapes.

Product Features:

  • Organic soil amendment
  • Derived from the carbonization of organic materials
  • Engineered to improve soil health and fertility
  • Suitable for both agricultural and gardening applications
  • Produced through a controlled pyrolysis process
  • Stable and carbon-rich substance
  • Enhances soil's water and nutrient retention capacity
  • Facilitates sustainable and efficient resource utilization
  • Mitigates nutrient leaching and promotes water conservation
  • Contributes to a robust and resilient soil ecosystem
  • Supports microbial activity and fosters a healthy microbial community
  • Porous structure provides a conducive habitat for beneficial microorganisms
  • Aligned with sustainable soil management practices
  • Holistic approach to soil improvement in agricultural and gardening contexts

Available Sizes:

  • 5L
  • 30L
    organic biochar