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Kaya Farm

Potassium Bicarbonate Fungicide

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R 55.00
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R 55.00
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Potassium bicarbonate, also referred to as potassium hydrogen carbonate or potassium acid carbonate, boasts a purity of 99.7% (KHCO3). This white, alkaline solid finds versatile applications, ranging from its use in fire extinguishers to its role in winemaking, soft drink production, acid neutralization, and as a leavening agent in baking. Found naturally in humans, animals, and plants, potassium bicarbonate is ubiquitous in living organisms, serving as a base with a pH range typically between 8.0 to 8.6.

As an approved fungicide in organic farming, potassium bicarbonate demonstrates remarkable efficacy in combating fungal pathogens. When applied as a foliar spray, it acts decisively to impede the growth and proliferation of various fungal strains and spores, including Alternaria blight, apple scab, black spot, blights, botrytis, downy mildews, molds, phytophthora, powdery mildew, and Septoria leaf spot. Particularly effective as a preventive measure, potassium bicarbonate offers a proactive approach to fungal control.

Potassium bicarbonate's potency against mildews is noteworthy, employing multiple modes of action to induce desiccation and collapse in affected organisms. This multifaceted approach significantly reduces the likelihood of resistance development, rendering mildews highly susceptible to potassium bicarbonate treatment. Moreover, plants benefit from the additional potassium intake, further bolstering their health and resilience against fungal threats.

Product Features:

  • Potassium bicarbonate 99.7% purity (KHCO3)
  • Also known as potassium hydrogen carbonate or potassium acid carbonate
  • Versatile applications in various industries
  • Naturally occurring in humans, animals, and plants
  • Alkaline solid with a pH range of 8.0 to 8.6
  • Approved fungicide in organic farming
  • Effective foliar spray against fungal pathogens and spores
  • Preventative action against mildews and fungal diseases
  • Utilizes multiple modes of action to combat mildew
  • Provides additional potassium intake for plants

Directions For Use:

  • Potassium bicarbonate is a “contact” fungicide, therefore contact needs to be made with infected areas.
  • Preventative foliar 1g – 3g KHCO3 per litre of rain/dechlorinated water.  Spray as a preventative on a fine mist every 10-14 days through the vegatative stage of growth and up to two weeks into the flowering stage of growth.
  • Heavily Infected plants might require a more aggressive approach 1g-4g KHCO3 per litre or rain/dechlorinated water at 4-7 day intervals misting the entire plant including underside of leaves and stems.
  • A spreader/wetting agent (eg. JADAM wetting agent at 2ml/1l) added will ensure proper surface coverage and the potassium bicarbonate will be even more affective. Refrain from using a wetting agent about 30 days prior to harvest.
  • Application without a spreader/wetting agent can be applied and still be very effective. Spray on a very fine mist so droplets hold on the leaf surface. Move around misting evenly returning to where you began to fine mist areas you might have missed. *Do not over spray one area and cause droplets to run, this could lead to the potassium bicarbonate been ineffective.
  • Application rates above 4g/1l showed signs of pistils browning. Leaf burn on tips of older plants was noticed at the higher dosage. Young seedlings and clones also showed burns on the edges and tips of the leaves.
  • Application late in flower might be needed when plants are most susceptible to mildews and botrytis. Refrain from using a wetting agent about 30 days prior to harvest.
  • Outdoors foliar spray at the coolest time of the day, early mornings or at sunset. One can foliar spray without a wetting agent after rain while plant is still wet. This will ensure proper coverage as the rain on the plant will act as a spreader helping  the KHCO3 make contact with all spores.
  • Indoors foliar spray at lights off with fans off and then put fans back on after foliar spray. If you having high humidity at lights off you can foliar spray during lights on, but will need to either raise, dim lights or use a soft light when foliar spraying and while plants dry. Ensure plants are dry before increasing light intensity again or switching on, wet spots might cause burns.


  • Potassium bicarbonate (KHCO3) should be stored at room temperature, up right and in a sealed container away from moisture. KHCO3 is very hygroscopic and will draw moisture from the air.

Safety and Precautions:

  • Good hygiene and safety practices should be used when handling and working with this material. Good hygiene practices include but are not limited to: wearing suitable gloves and/or eye protection, washing hands and affected skin immediately after handling.
  • Avoid breathing in dust
  • Avoid contact with skin and eyes
  • Wash skin and contaminated clothing and tools after use


  • Cause eye irritation
  • Cause mild skin irritation
  • Harmful if inhaled
  • May cause respiratory tract irritation

* Potassium bicarbonate is incompatible with all types of water-soluble fertiliser and other chemicals and needs to applied by themselves as a soil drench for correcting low medium ph.

*For the use on plants and crops.

*Keep out of reach of children and animals.

    potassium bicarbonate fungicide